Vincentian Heritage Week September 21-29, 2024
If you want peace Work for Justice
Vincentian Heritage Week is a Niagara University tradition that educates and celebrates all that makes our university community Vincentian. This year the theme is, “If you want Peace Work for Justice,” (Message on the World Day of Peace, Pope Paul VI, 1972). This subject was close to the heart of St. Vincent de Paul as well. As a priest and social innovator, he guided many people to work for lasting peace on the firm foundation of justice and love.
During the week, our NU Community, students, faculty, administrators and staff, will engage with various kinds of initiatives to promote peace and justice. Peace making involves an investment in the common good, and the care of and inclusion of everyone. I wish to highlight two events, the Vincentian Heritage Convocation and the Mass of St. Vincent de Paul. Everyone is welcome to these events and to experience community in God, around shared values. Our life here also unites us in prayer and worship, and with the communion of Saints with our patron St. Vincent, and St. Louise de Marillac.
Saturday, Sept. 21
Day of Service in Niagara Falls, Saturday, September 21. Student Government is providing bus transportation to the expanded number of service sites, to include the Underground Railroad and Habitat for Humanity.
Tuesday, Sept. 24
Community partners will present a service fair to educate students about volunteer opportunities in the local area, the Lower Level Gallagher Center.
Justice and Healthcare: A Panel Discussion 101 Golisano Hall; September 24, 2024
6:00-7:15 p.m. The Ostapenko Center for Ethics in Medicine and Healthcare and the Center for the Study and Practice of Religion are co-sponsoring an evening event to explore justice in healthcare from a Vincentian perspective. This includes the role and importance of justice in the practice of healthcare, touching upon issues such as prevention, access to and quality of care, and consequences of inequities.
Wednesday, Sept. 25
"Student Takeover," Lower Level Gallagher Center,
12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Students from the Justice House were given an opportunity to develop this year’s theme by a discussion of relevant issues.
Thursday, Sept. 26
Vincentian Heritage Convocation will take place in the afternoon at 4:30pm, Alumni Chapel in St. Vincent’s Hall. There are five honorees. Live access will be provided by Zoom.
Keynote Speaker
Sr. Carol Keehan, D.C. L.H.D, ’07. Past Chief Executive Officer, Ascension Health.
Friday, Sept. 29
The Mass of the Solemnity of St Vincent de Paul will take place in Alumni Chapel at 12.15 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 28
The Annual Archbishop John J. Lynch, C.M. Lecture will take place at the Castellani Art Museum on campus, entitled “Blacks in Niagara Falls” with Author Michael Boston. The lecture runs from 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m., for the complete schedule with tour and reception, 1:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m., and to register go to, please go to, Castellani Art Museum, Lecture 2024
Sunday, Sept. 29
Family Day Mass in Alumni Chapel 11:00 a.m. with the pinning of the new class of Vincentian Scholars ‘28.
For more information about all events, contact the Office of Mission and Ministry at 716.286.8400.